IXFmake dataset 2d

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This is a special creation subroutine, which when given the appropriate characteristics of an IXTdataset_2d object (lengths x/y dimension, x/y histogram and x/y distribution data flags) will assign memory for its elements but not populate any arrays. The IXTdataset_2d object may then be filled with data in another function/subroutine.

F90 Syntax

use IXMdataset_2d

integer(i4b)::nx ! length of x array of dataset_2d object to be created
integer(i4b)::ny ! length of y array of dataset_2d object to be created
logical::xhist ! x_histogram flag of dataset_2d object to be created
logical::xdist ! x_distribtion of dataset_2d object to be created
logical::yhist ! y_histogram flag of dataset_2d object to be created
logical::ydist ! y_distribtion of dataset_2d object to be created
call IXFmake_dataset_2d(dataset_2d,nx,ny,xdist,xhist,ydist,yhist,status)