Directory Structure For Graphics Components

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The graphics components of Libisis follow a directory structure as follows

Directory Structure

User Functions

These are the functions that users type into the command line. The names of these functions can change since no other functions should call the directly.

located in \bindings\matlab\graphics\userfunctions

STD User Functions

These functions are called by the user functions. Their purpose is to provide sets of standard operations that are common for many user functions. For example, dxy, dxyz and dxyc have similar operations so call the same std. user function. There are MANY user functions that call ONE std. user function

located in \bindings\matlab\graphics\userfunctions

General Interface

Every single std. user function is used to call the general interface with options. These options identify the desired action. The purpose of this file is to provide any operations that need to be done for

located in \bindings\matlab\graphics\gen_interface

Lower Level Functions

These are the workhorse functions. The general interface should string together several lower level functions for each method. Lower level functions often call OTHER lower level functions and std. user functions may call a lower level function. Most calculations should be done by the lower level functions.

Naming Conventions

  • User Functions may have any name
  • Std. User functions are named ui_function
  • Lower level functions are named ixf_function

Adding a Function

  • Look at the current functions to see how they're arranged
  • If it's similar to something else that already exists, change the std. user function to incorporate the new function instead of adding a new std. user function.
  • Make an entry in the ixf_gen_interface file in the appropriate location
  • Look at current lower level functions to see if they can be used to help.