Wiki Editing Tips

Revision as of 11:34, 3 April 2008 by Dean Whittaker (talk | contribs)
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The following information is useful when editing the Wiki


 ==Heading1==, ===Heading2===, ====Heading3====

These are the three levels of headings you should use, They appear in the contents so Don't use them just to make text larger!

White Space

A new line in the editor does not mean a new line in the finished article. Always leave two blank lines between the end of one section and the start of another - it spreads everything out and looks much much better


Got a specific bit of text that you use a lot, then put it in a template. These are just like normal pages, except you name them "template:page_name". This can be any bit of text. For instance, one use might be that you want all displays of code to look the same. Create a template that has the HTML code for the font (for instance color="blue" fontsize="11") and store it in the template