
Revision as of 16:10, 30 January 2008 by Dickon Champion (talk | contribs)
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The elements of the object are as follows:

IXTmask definition
Element Type Brief Description
work_no(:) int(ptr) workspace numbers
total_spec (:) int (ptr) total number of spectra contributing to each workspace
spec_ind (:) int (ptr) index to the first spectrum in each workspace in spec_no array
spec_no (:) int (ptr) list of spectra used in all workspaces

F90 syntax

use IXMmap

type(IXTmap):: map
type(IXTstatus):: status

The following operations may be performed on this data type:

  • [General Operations]
  • [Special Subroutines]

Module specific functions

  • [IXFfileread_map]