IXTfermi chopper

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Nearest equivalent NeXus class: NXfermi_chopper


The elements of the object are as follows:

Field Type Description
base IXTbase internal use
name char Name of the slit package eg. sloppy
distance real Distance of the package from the sample (m)
frequency real Frequency of rotation (Hz)
period real Period of chopper rotation (s) (1/frequency)
radius real moderator thickness (m)
curvature real angle of normal to incident beam (rad)
slit_width real Slit width (m) (fermi)
slit_spacing real Spacing between slit centres (m)
blade_width real Thickness of neutron absorbing slat
width real Width of aperture (m)
height real Height of aperture (m)
energy real Energy of neutrons transmitted by chopper (meV)

F90 syntax

use IXMfermi_chopper

type(IXTfermi_chopper):: monochromator
type(IXTstatus):: status


The following operations may be performed on this data type:

Class Specific Operations: